To assure ethical interactions, it is important that you understand the organization, structure, and guidelines of the community that you are intending to work with prior to seeking out individuals to discuss your research questions with.
Secwépemc Nation Research Ethics Guidelines
Secwépemc Nation has created a research ethics guideline to assure that all researchers upon their lands are aware of the proper protocols prior to beginning work.
This document was created with immense collaboration over the period of three years. Focused gatherings were held that collected the sharing of Elders, Knowledge Keepers, Secwépemc academic leaders and researchers, as well as the thoughts of the general Secwépemc community. This document provides the ethical framework which must be adhered to while seeking out Knowledge holders, Elders, and research participants, and guides the researcher through understanding the correct ways to build relationships and approach the community regarding future research.
This document is an invaluable tool for all individuals who are working within Secwépemc’ulecw, to assure that interactions with community members are done with respect. Please take some time to explore it by clicking the link in the image above.
Tk̓emlúps and TRU Partnership Agreement
Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc and Thompson Rivers University also have an existing agreement in place that recognizes and solidifies Indigenous knowledge on campus, as well as outlines the rights of Tk̓emlúps and responsibilities of Thompson Rivers University staff and students.
If you are associated with TRU in any way, it is your responsibility to be knowledgeable about the details of this agreement prior to initiating research within Tk̓emlúps as you are a representative of TRU to the community.
Concluding Thoughts
These two documents are crucial to become familiar with if you are an individual occupying lands within Secwépemc’ulecw. Whether you are actively involved in doing research, are a teacher or educator, or are just wanting to learn more ethical ways of approaching local Indigenous knowledge, taking the time to read the research ethics guidelines will guide you towards appropriate ways of engaging with the Secwépemc community. Please keep in mind that these are broad guidelines, and each individual community within this territory will have more specific and possibly different approaches.